Emilia Simeonova
Professor, Johns Hopkins University & NBER
My research focuses on the interaction between economics and children's and women's health.
I have a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Mathematics from Macalester College (2002) and a PhD in Economics from Columbia University (2008).
Working Papers
Education, Cognition and Health: Evidence from a Social Experiment, with Costas Meghir and Mårten Palme, NBER Working Paper 19002, 2013
Native American Health Care Utilization during Seasonal Flu Outbreaks: Implications for COVID-19, with Sherry Glied, Randall Akee and Scarlett Wang, revision requested by Health Services Research
The EITC and Intergenerational Mobility, with Randall Akee and Margaret Jones
Tribal Casinos, Economic Mobility, and Children's Long-term Outcomes, with Randall Akee, and Maggie R Jones
Mom and Dad Got Jobs: Natural Resources, Economic Activity, and Infant Health, with Niklas Blomqvist, Andreas Madestam, and Bjorn Tyrefors
Earnings Inequality for Asians and Hispanics: An Examination of Variation Across Subgroups, with Randall Akee and Sonya Porter, revision requested for CRIW NBER Volume on Inequality
Gender Empowerment in 19th Century Sweden: Using Historical Trade Shocks to Assess the Effects of Women's Economic Empowerment (with Andreas Madestam)
Children of the Pill: The Effect of Subsidizing Oral Contraceptives on Children's Health and Wellbeing, with Andreas Madestam
Press coverage: Dagens Apotek March 6th, 2013; Dagens Nyheter March 18th, 2013; Dagens Medicin
How Do Financial Incentives Affect Physician Behavior? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment, with Margaret McConnell, William Rogers and Ira Wilson
Published Research
Race, Quality of Care and Patient Outcomes: What Can We Learn from the Veterans Health Administration?, Atlantic Economic Journal, September, 2009 [CITE]
Public vs. Private Provision of Charity Care? Evidence from Hill-Burton Hospitals in Florida, with Douglas Almond and Janet Currie, Journal of Health Economics, 2011 [CITE]; also available as NBER Working Paper 15798.
Out of Sight, Out of Mind? The Impact of Natural Disasters on Pregnancy Outcomes, CesIfo Economic Studies, 2011 [CITE]
Young Adult Obesity and Household Income: Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers (with Randall Akee, William Copeland, Adrian Angold and Jane Costello) American Economic Journal - Applied Economics, 2013 - Lead article [CITE]
Press coverage: The New York Times, January 18th, 2014; The New York Times, April 7th, 2016
Marriage, Bereavement and Mortality: The Role of Health Care Utilization, Journal of Health Economics, 2013 [CITE]
Doctors, Patients, and the Racial Mortality Gap, Journal of Health Economics, 2013 [CITE]
Press coverage: The Economist "Compliance Matters" May 30th, 2009
Children of the Pill, with Andreas Madestam, Journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives, December 2013 (article in Swedish)
Can Health IT Adoption Reduce Health Disparities?, with Sergei Koulayev Health Systems , 2015 [CITE]
Does Women’s Education Affect Breast Cancer Risk and Survival? Evidence from a Social Experiment in Education, with Mårten Palme Journal of Health Economics, 2015 [CITE]
Can Physicians Affect Patient Adherence with Medication?, with Sergei Koulayev and Niels Skipper, Health Economics, 2016 [CITE]. A more detailed version is available here: NBER Working Paper 19496
Health and the Labour Market: New Developments in the Literature, with Hilary Hoynes and Marianne Simonsen, Labour Economics, 2016 [CITE]
Medical Abortion Provided by Nurse-Midwives or Physicians in a High Resource Setting: a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, with Andreas Madestam, Susanne Sjostrom, Kristina Danielsson and Helena Kopp-Kallner, PloS one , 2016 [CITE]
Education, Health and Mortality: Evidence from a Social Experiment, with Costas Meghir and Mårten Palme, American Economic Journal - Applied Economics, 2018 [CITE]; also available as NBER Working Paper 17932
How Does Household Income Affect Child Personality Traits and Behaviors?, with Randall Akee, William Copeland, and Jane Costello, American Economic Review, 2018 [CITE]; also available as NBER Working Paper 21562
Press coverage: The Atlantic, New York Magazine, Business Insider, The Washington Post, BloombergView, Roughly Speaking Podcast by Baltimore Sun's Dan Rodricks
Congestion Pricing, Air Pollution, and Urban Health, with Janet Currie, Peter Nilsson and Reed Walker, Journal of Human Resources, 2019 [CITE]; also available as NBER Working Paper 24410,
Press coverage: Inside Science, VOXEU
Parental Influences on Health and Longevity: Lessons from a Large Sample of Adoptees, with Evelina Lundberg, Michael Lindahl and Marten Palme, Journal of Human Resources, 2019 [CITE]; also available as NBER Working Paper 21946
Press Coverage: New York Magazine
The Architecture of Physician Choices: A Randomized Controlled Study Evaluating the Impact of Providing Non-adherence Information and Pharmacist Assistance to Physicians, with Margaret McConnell, William Rogers and Ira Wilson, Health Services Research, 2020 [CITE]
Family Income and Voting Behavior across Generations: Evidence from an Income Intervention, with Randall Akee, John Holbein and William Copeland, American Political Science Review, 2020 [CITE]; longer version available as NBER Working Paper 24770. Winner of the Midwestern Political Science Association Best Paper in Political Behavior Award, 2018
Hispanic and Asian Earnings Inequality and the Role of Labor Market Entrants and Immigrants, with Randall Akee, Margaret Jones and Sonya Porter, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2020 [CITE]
Pandemic Protocols, Native Nutrition: Grocery-Store Access from American Indian Reservations During COVID-19, with Randall Akee and Luis Quintero, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 2021
Gaming Opportunities: American Indian Casinos, Cash Transfers, and Income Mobility on the Reservation, with Randall Akee and Margaret Jones, American Economic Review – Papers and Proceedings, May, 2021
Physician Health Management Skills and Patient Outcomes, with Niels Skipper and Peter Thingholm, forthcoming at at the Journal of Human Resources
Behavioral and Mental Health, Family Circumstance, and Long-Term Success: The Effect of Household Income, accepted at the Journal of Human Resources
Decomposing the Parental Education Gradient in Health: Lessons from a Large Sample of Adoptees Journal of Labor Economics, with Marten Palme, Evelina Bjorkegren and Mikael Lindahl, accepted at the Journal of Labor Economics
Tribal Casinos and Identifying Who Moves to Opportunity, with Maggie Jones and Randall Akee, forthcoming at the AEA - Papers and Proceedings, 2024
Direct and Spillover Effects from Staggered Adoption of Health Policies: Evidence from COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders, NBER working paper 29088, with Vadim Elenev, Alessandro Rebucci and Luis Quintero accepted at Management Science
Research Grants
Hopkins Business of Health Pilot Grant (June 1st, 2020 – May 31st, 2021) “Social Distancing Interventions: Direct and Spillover Effects and Labor Market Outcomes”, with Luis Quintero, Alessandro Rebucci and Vadim Elenev – 20000 USD
Robert Wood Johnson award # 75546 (July 2018-January 2020) "Demonstrating the Need to Disaggregate Ethnic and Racial Data by Showing Under-reported Disparities in Well-being Outcomes" (PI, with Randall Akee) $199,710
National Science Foundation award # 1227264 (Sept 2012 - Sept 2015) "The Long-Term and Intergenerational Effects of Fertility Policies" (PI, with Andreas Madestam) $197,643
National Institutes of Health award #039702 (Sept 2010 - Sept 2013) "Nudging Doctors to Collaborate with Pharmacists to Improve Medication Adherence) (Co-Investigator, with Ira Wilson, William Rogers and Maggie McConnell) $1,400,000
Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) (January 2010 - January 2013) "Understanding the Long-Term Consequences of Poor Infant Health" (PI, with Janet Currie and Peter Nilsson) ~$ 250,000
Danish Council for Independent Research (January 2011 - January 2014) "What Are the Determinants of Patient Behavior?" (Co-Investigator, with Sergei Koulayev and Niels Skipper) ~$300,000
Fluent in Bulgarian, English, Russian; Conversational Italian
Married to: Sergei Koulayev; two boys, Gregory (2015) and Erik (2020)